Privacy Policy

1. General

1.1. The website ("Website") is made available by Piemonte Puro, with corporate headquarters at Brusselsesteenweg 491, 9090 Melle, Belgium and with company number BE0661.751.321.

1.2. We treat data protection very seriously. We guarantee you an appropriate protection of your personal data. In doing so, we base ourselves on the regulations of the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy with respect to the processing of personal data ("Privacy law") and on the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG / GDPR).

1.3. The current Privacy Policy for the Website ("Privacy Statement"), which should be read together with the other applicable policies for the Website, provides you with information on how and under which conditions Piemonte Puro receives and processes the personal data transmitted through the Website. Please take the time to read through these documents, as these conditions may be of interest to you. 

1.4. By using the Website, you explicitly agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the contents of this Privacy Policy when reading it, you are requested not to make any further use of the Website.

2. What we do with your information?

2.1. We process the data that you have voluntarily entered on our Website.

This data is only used for internal purposes and for the purposes stated.

Under no circumstances will the personal data obtained be given to any third parties.

Moreover, they will not be stored any longer than necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they were obtained.

2.2. Where you have given Piemonte Puro permission to use your data for direct marketing purposes (e.g. when requesting additional information or a free offer), these data will of course also be used for this purpose. However, you can ask Piemonte Puro to stop this use at any time by contacting us using the contact details as indicated below. Under no circumstances will your data be passed on to any third parties for direct marketing purposes.

3. When do we process or use your personal data?

3.1. We will only use the personal data obtained, including those you have voluntarily provided (e.g. name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, etc.), for the purpose for which you have given us your permission. As part of the processing of your requests, orders and use of our services, we must in some cases involve third parties. These third parties may only use the personal data provided for the execution of their specific order and may not use them for other purposes. Within the framework of the execution of their assignment, these third parties are also obliged to respect the provisions of the Privacy Law.

4. What options do I have to resist the storage of my data? 

4.1. You have the right to request information about the processing of your personal data free of charge. In accordance with the legal provisions, you also have the right to have these personal data corrected if they are incorrect or no longer up to date. In addition, you can have your personal data removed or prohibit their use if they are incomplete or irrelevant or if they are transferred.

4.2. You have the right to make a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

5. What are cookies and how are they used? 

5.1. On our Website we will make use of so-called cookies. A cookie is a small file that is sent by the website operator to the website visitor's hard drive and stored there. This cookie registers the address of the visited site as well as some data related to the visit which allows us to keep a number of statistics. For further information on the use of cookies, please refer to our "Cookie policy" which explains this.

6. Changes 

6.1.Piemonte Puro reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice at any time. It is your responsibility to regularly review the applicable Privacy Notice yourself and to observe the latest version.